“We can not thank you enough..”
We can not thank you enough for everything you did for us during our pregnancy, labor, and birth. You were truly an answer to prayer and you helped my dream of a natural birth come true.I don’t know what we would have done without you! We sincerely appreciate your services. Thank you so much for being a great Doula. Cayla also says “Thank You for helping her mommy bring her into the world naturally too! Freehold, NJ
“A Doula is so much more than a labor coach!”
I don’t know where to begin, but let me first say that a Doula is so much more than a labor coach. Throughout my pregnancy you supported us and loved us and gave us much needed facts and information. Knowing you were there in the hospital gave John and i such confidence that we could do this together. Thank you for having us in your home and providing a safe and fun environment for us to learn Thank you for being there and loving us and helping us with our journey to bring Julia into this world. Cliffwood, NJ
Thank you very much for your wonderful advise, support and all the time we spent together getting to know one another. I was so glad to have you at my birth. Even though it did not go the way I had planned, it was a great experience thanks to you. Rumson, NJ
“You are Irreplaceable...”
Thank you for all the support you’ve given to my daughter and son-in-law, and for helping our family prepare for the little one…. Thank you for being patient and sensitive to my daughters needs. You are irreplaceable and sent to us by God. East Brunswick, NJ
“Wonderful VBAC...”
Thank you for coming back for my second birth and for working with me so that I could birth my son and have a wonderful v-bac delivery. Holmdel, NJ
“Thank you for Guiding us Through...”
Thank you for guiding us through the long,winding, and mysterious path that is pregnancy, labor and delivery. I have discovered so much about myself with your help. Your confidence in me led to confidence in myself, which is the main ingredient to a beautiful, satisfying birth experience. Atlantic Highlands, NJ
“Looking Forward to Working with you Again..”
I can not thank you enough for all your help throughout my pregnancy, labor and delivery. You helped me reach a goal that was truly important to me….bringing my child into the world in a peaceful, welcoming and warm environment. I am looking forward to working with you again. Long Branch, NJ
Words can’t express the depth of my gratitude for your presence and support before, during and after the birth of my son. I truly believe you were sent to me not only to teach us the beauty of pregnancy and birth, but also to be a source of support following the birth. I appreciate all of your help and the extra time you spent with me on the phone. You are a special person who will be forever etched in my birth memory. Somerset, NJ
Private Childbirth Classes
Personal Care
In Hospital or Home Support